Hi, I'm Amanda Ragusa
Experienced Digital Designer
Highly motivated and collaborative Designer who demonstrates consistency and elevated graphic design, typography and color theory. As a seasoned designer, I possess a meticulous attention to detail and bring subject matter expertise across multiple platforms. I bring understanding of both creative and business knowledge to the table. I am adaptable, organized and meet deadlines. I engage in communication between appropriate parties and ensure the customer a great experience with my designs.
What people are saying
Amanda is your perfect Jack of all trades designer/developer. You need new layouts she can crank them out. You think something could work in an email. She will give you all the pros and cons. If she is not sure how to fix an HTML she looks for answers. And as a coworker you will not have a better one on your team. She would be a great asset to any one wanting her to join the team.
- David Dias, Email Marketing Manager
2nd Edition
A Journal For Growth
If you're looking to build better habits in your life, this journal is for you.
Building Better Habits was designed to begin wherever you are in life. Completely customizable, this journal makes building healthy habits easier than ever.
Each month, you’ll choose 1-3 habits you want to build for yourself. Then, as the month comes to a close, you’ll reflect on what went well and why. Be specific! It’ll be helpful to look back on the year and see how far you’ve come.